If he or she is not making an effort to be affectionate with you anymore and they take every change to avoid your advances then they are possibly being emotionally satisfied elsewhere.
Some partners choose to be overly affectionate to make themselves feel better about playing away. By over compensating for having the affair they lead you into thinking that they love you more than ever.
Avoiding family and friends
Check out their relationships with those around you. Did she used to take your Mum out to the cinema each week and now she has suddenly stopped? Did he help your Dad out with some DIY on a regular basis? Did they used to like hanging out with you and your mutual Friends and now they hate the idea? By spending time with these people, people who love you and would stick up for you make them feel threatened and guilty about what they are doing while in their company.
Mobile phone junkie
If they are always on their phone texting, they could be texting their other lover. If you are suspicious you could check their phone, but the clever ones delete the messages right away!
Private phone calls
If they constantly have to leave the room or take their call in their car, this could be a sign of infidelity. Using work as an excuse you may have no reason to question their call.
Friendship intensity
If they usually see their mates sporadically in the month and then all of sudden are going out for tea, drinks or the cinema with them a few times a week, this should set alarm bells going.
Enough of the nagging
Finding fault with you justifies why they are having he affair in the first place. That your life together and you have become so unbearable that they had little choice other than to look for another mate. It works as a constant reinforcement to themselves that what they are doing could be condoned.
If they are relentless in talking about a new friend at the gym or at work it is likely that this ‘friend’ is the opposite Sex and they are more than just a ‘friend’. Like when you first got together you could not stop taking about him or her, there is nothing different about this.
Alert the senses
Other lovers also use perfumed products, whether it is a strong body spray or after shave, or perfume, it will transfer to your parnter’s clothes. So clothes in the washing basket or your partner may smell of the other person. Smells are very distinctive if they are not ones you are familiar with so you should be able to detect them quite easily.
How’s the sex?
Like affection, your partner will want to have more Sex with you, again to reduce any feelings of guilt they may have about sleeping with someone else.
I need to freshen up
Increased focus on their appearance, like when you first got together could mean that they are making the extra effort for someone other than you. More make-up, new Underwear, regular shaving, new clothes and haircuts make them as polished as when they were playing the field and found you!
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